The Clair-Obscur Collection is an innovative project planned by the designer Annabelle Fleury. A team of four young Mauritians sharing an avid interest for the world of fashion got together for this project: Siddick Mohamed: photographer, Cédric Lanappe: makeup artist, Delphine Dholah: model and Annabelle Fleury: fashion designer. In this project, each of the members was able to express his skills, art and sensitivity.
The collection is made up of 6 two-toned outfits. The designer, Annabelle Fleury, creates graphic effects with contrasting details on the dresses by presenting the black and the white as curves, straight angles, verticals or horizontals. On the front of the dresses, thin stripes or geometrical lines represented by thin black strips stitched on the outfit create a trompe l’œil effect, giving the illusion of graphic prints on the outfit.
The black and white outfits that compose this collection are elegant and stylish.